
Our Institute is the only one in Italy to be certified by the European Association for Gestalt Therapy for the Quality of its training courses. You can download our EAGT Accreditation Certificate here

Institute has been certified for the Quality of training Couses since 2004. You can download our UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and IQNET certificates here

E.C.M. Since 2001, the Institute has been accredited by the Italian Ministry of Health to provide courses for the E.C.M. Programme (Continuous Education Credits for Health Professions).

C.N.S.P. In the last survey, the Institute’s quality system was awarded as no.1 in Italy by the C.N.S.P. (Italian National Committee of Private Psychotherapy Schools – visit

Italian Ministry of Universities and Research. The Institute’s training courses leading to a professional psychotherapy qualification are accredited by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research.
The Institute also provides Ministry-accredited training programs for school teachers and school staff.

The Institute has been accredited by a number of Italian universities for under-graduate and graduate internship programs (University of Palermo, University of Catania, Kore University of Enna, University of Messina, University of Bergamo, Bicocca University of Milan)
The Institute is affiliated to the following organizations
- A.G.T. (European Association for Gestalt Therapy), of which M. Spagnuolo Lobb is past president and first honorary member;
- NYIGT (New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy), the institution that founded Gestalt Therapy, of which M. Spagnuolo Lobb is a Full Member.
- A.P. (European Association for Psychotherapy);
- A.G.T. (Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy);
- I.S.I.G. (Italian Federation of Gestalt Institutes and Schools), of which our Institute is a founding member. Director M. Spagnuolo Lobb is the Federation’s current president;
- I.P.G. (Italian Society for Gestalt Therapy), of which M. Spagnuolo Lobb is honorary president;
- I.A.P. (Italian Federation of Psychotherapy Associations);
- Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy, of which M. Spagnuolo Lobb is an honorary member.
Our scientific collaboration network
- Institut Français Gestalt-Thérapie, Bordeaux, France (Founder: Jean Marie Robine) ;
- Ecole Parsienne de Gestalt, Paris, France (Founder: Serge Ginger);
- Centro di Terapia y Psicologia, Madrid, Spain (Director: Carmen Vazquez Bandin);
- Gestalt Training Center, San Diego, U.S.A. (Directors: Erving and Miriam + Polster);
- Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. (Founded by Ed and Sonia Nevis, Joseph Zinker, Isabelle Fredericson, Elaine Kepner and others);
- Center for Gestalt Development, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA (Directors: Sonia and Ed + Nevis);
- Esalen, Big Sur, California, U.S.A. (Director: Gordon Wheeler);
- Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, U.S.A., Marriage and Family Department (Directors: Ed and Barbara + Lynch);
- Norsk Gestaltinstitutt AS, Oslo, Norway (Directors: Daan van Baalen and Gro Skottun);
- Gestalt Therapy Academy of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden;
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Gestalttherapie (German Association for Gestalt Therapists), Berlin, Germany;
- Istitut Nederlande Stichting Gestalt, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Directors: Harm Siemens + and Dick Lompa);
- NVOGT (Association of Flemish Speaking Gestalt Therapists)
- Gestalt Methodology Toula Vlaoutchkow, Athens, Greece
- “Gestalt Foundation” Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Israeli Association of Gestalt Therapy, Israel
- Moscow Gestalt Institute, Russia (Directors: Daniel and Natasha Khlomov)
- “Sloges” Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Humanistica de Psicoterapia Gestalt Institute (Directors Myriam Mugnoz and Jeorge Merino Pérez), Mexico City, Mexico
- AGBA, Buenos Aires Gestalt Association, Argentina
- “Gorge Oshawa” Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Director: Sergio La Rosa)
- Gestalt Therapy Australia, Melbourne, Australia
- Gestalt Therapy Sydney, Sydney, Australia
- Association GANZ: Gestalt Australia and New Zealand