Gestalt Therapy Field Approach to Development and Psychopathology (second edition)
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Dr. Psychol. Psychoth.
Two Year International
Advanced Training Program
2024 – 2025
A training to improve your clinical practice with new developments in Gestalt therapy, neurosciences, phenomenology and research
As Gestalt therapists, how can we approach developmental processes, psychopathology and diagnosis?
How does our theory open new horizons on primary relationships, human suffering and contemporary disturbances?
How does this change our daily practice in supporting people who suffer?
This International Training provides a coherent method to approach new clinical issues related to development, psychopathology and research in clinical practice.
A special focus will be provided to being psychotherapists in a fragmented, desensitized, unsafe world.
Ethical issues of clinical dilemmas about wars, losses, unsafety, and other qualities of contemporary organism/environment fields will be attended to in each seminar.

Billy Desmond
Billy is a queer, married Irish man, an emigrant, once exiled from his land of birth and now living between London and Ireland. He works as a Gestalt psychotherapist and supervisor working with individuals, couples and groups in Ireland, UK and across Europe. He is a dialogical adult educator at the Gestalt Institute of Ireland and core faculty on the MA in Gestalt Psychotherapy and is also a guest faculty in UK and Europe. He is actively involved in qualitative practitioner-researcher inquiry projects exploring embodied and creative ways of knowing. He is on the editorial board of the Gestalt Therapy Book Series and the Gestalt Review journal. He has presented at many conferences and has written journal papers, articles and book chapters in the terrain of embodied inquiry, groups, sexuality, and sustainability.

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Psychotherapist and researcher, international trainer, Director of the Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy (Syracuse, Palermo and Milan). In her clinical work, she has hermeneutically developed the principles of Gestalt therapy into a field-oriented, phenomenological and aesthetic approach. Her book The Now-for-Next in Psychotherapy is available in 11 languages. With Pietro Cavaleri, she has recently edited the book Psychopathology of the Situation in Gestalt Therapy: A Field Oriented Approach, published by Routledge in the Gestalt Therapy Book Series. She received the Lifelong Achievement Award from the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy – AAGT (Toronto, Canada, August 2018).

Miriam Taylor
UKCP registered Gestalt psychotherapist (non-clinical), supervisor and trainer.
Having retired from clinical practice in which she specialised in trauma for over twenty five years, Miriam now includes aspects of collective trauma, social justice issues and climate change in her thinking on trauma. Based in embodied practice, her interest is in the formation of the traumatised relational field, leading to an ecological perspective. She teaches in the UK and internationally, and is on the Leadership Team of Relational Change. Publications include “Trauma Therapy and Clinical Practice” (2014); “Deepening Trauma Practice” (2021), and several peer reviewed and invited articles.

Silvia Tosi
Psychologist and Gestalt therapist. She is a trainer at Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy and a Supervisor (accredited by EAGT). She trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy with couples, families and adolescents, in Gestalt Psychopathology and Contemporary Disturbances and in Gestalt Supervision at Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. She trained with Ruella Frank in Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy at Centre for Somatic Studies in New York. Since 1990 she has been working as clinical psychologist and since 1998 as Gestalt psychotherapist in private practice and in Public Health Services, with children, adolescents and families. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Quaderni di Gestalt (FrancoAngeli) and of Gestalt Therapy Book Series (Routledge) and author of articles on developmental psychotherapy.

Carmen Vàzquez Bandìn
Founder and director of the Centro de Terapia y Psicologia – CTP in Madrid, Spain. International Gestalt therapy trainer and supervisor. Co-director of the Gestalt therapy publishing company: Los Libros del CTP. Author of books, chapters and articles on Gestalt therapy. Spanish translator of books and articles on Gestalt therapy. Founder of the international conference of Gestalt therapy writers in Spanish (2001). Member of scientific board of some Gestalt journals.
Main Topics
First seminar
Siracusa (Italy), May, 6-10, 2024
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Gestalt Therapy Relational Developmental approach.
Psychopathology as a function of the field.
The therapeutic situation and Aesthetic Relational Knowing.
Psychopathological functionings as different ground experiences of the self-in-contact.
Developmental and clinical dilemmas about wars, losses, unsafety, and other qualities of contemporary organism/environment fields.
Billy Desmond
Bodily processes as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool.
Clinical issues about human sexuality: beyond labels.
An embodied phenomenological approach to support vitality in groups.
Second seminar
Milano (Italy), November, 3-7, 2024
Silvia Tosi
Sufferings in children and adolescents: to support vitality and the “dance” of reciprocity in therapeutic situations.
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Personality disturbances.
Narcissistic development of contact experiences.
Third seminar
Siracusa (Italy), March, 23-27, 2025
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Anxiety disturbances and Panic attacks.
Miriam Taylor
Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder interventions.
Fourth seminar
Milano (Italy), November, 10-14, 2025
Carmen Vazquez Bandin
Losses and mourning.
Ethical dilemmas in the clinical fields of countries at war.
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Personality disturbances.
Borderline development of contact experiences.
Maximum 30 people, previous training in Gestalt therapy and a minimum of clinical experience is required.
Year Schedule
Seminar Time Schedule:
Four seminars of 30 hours each (120 hours in total):
First day: 14.30-19.00 (4.5 h)
Second day: 9.30-13.00 and 14.30-18.00 (7 h)
Third day: 9.30-13.00 and 14.30-18.00 (7 h)
Fourth day: 9.30-13.00 and 14.30-18.00 (7 h)
Fifth day: 9.00-13.30 (4.5 h)
Information on different categories of accommodation in the area where the
training will take place (the historical center of Milano and Siracusa) will be provided.
Milan, Italy (second and fourth)
Siracusa, Italy (first and third)
Through the following form
700 Euro per seminar (board and lodging excluded).
In order to support colleagues from Ukraine, we have set up a special fund that will allow 5 discounted seats (550 Euro, board and lodging excluded).
Those participants who cannot participate in one or more seminars will be admitted to participate in the same seminar(s) of the next edition.