Embodiment and ecology in the actual sufferings of everyday life

Embodiment and ecology in the actual sufferings of everyday life

An international seminar with Thomas Fuchs (Heidelberg, Germany)
With the participation of Scott Churchill (Dallas, Texas, USA)

Siracusa (Italy), June 14-15, 2024

An ecological redefinition of our relationship to the earthly environment can succeed if our corporea­lity and aliveness are at its center – that is, as our connectedness with the natural world. (T. Fuchs)

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Giving voice to relational Gestalt Therapy: Gestalt Therapy Book Series, published by Routledge

Podcast – Giving voice to relational Gestalt Therapy: Gestalt Therapy Book Series, published by Routledge

An international book series, edited by Margheirta Spagnuolo Lobb and founded by Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy (www.gestaltitaly.com), is now published by Routledge. The aim of the series is to support contemporary Gestalt therapy around the world, supporting a network of authors and communities, and to spread in academic circles scientific work that can support the development of Gestalt Therapy in contemporary society.

In this podcast Ann Kunish interviews Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb about the history, aims and procedures of the Series. She expresses her hope to support the tremendous potentialities of Gestalt Therapy.

Click on the following frame to listen to the podcast

Psychopathology of the Situation in Gestalt Therapy online training course

Psychopathology of the Situation in Gestalt Therapy – Online Program

Advanced program for psychotherapists in a post-pandemic world, who want to work for peace

with Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Stefania Benini, Rosanna Biasi, Dan Bloom, Scott Churchill, Lynne Jacobs, Frank M. Lachmann, Erving Polster, Rezeda Popova, Valeria Rubino, Pablo Herrera Salinas, Miriam Taylor, Wolfgang Tschacher, Gordon Wheeler

12 online seminars, video recordings available, for a total of 36 hours
You can watch them when you want using an e-learning platform

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