took place in Siracuse on March 14-18, 2018
Here are a few pics of the group event!
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb has been key note speaker and has delivered a workshop at the Conference organized by the Serbian Association for Gestalt Therapy, in Belgrade
On September 4-6, 2017, Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb has led the first seminar of a post graduate program on “Psychopathology in couples. Gestalt therapy approach”, which will last two years and is addressed to experienced Gestalt therapists. The seminars will be led by trainers of the Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy and by Natasha Kedrova, director of the Moscow Gestalt Institute.
The first group of the Summer Programme for Gestalt Psychotherapists, a space and time for yourself and an update on new clinical issues has just finished!
Our Institute Director, Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, will deliver a Keynote speech at the 10th International Gestalt Australia and New Zealand (GANZ) Conference, to be held on 7th, 8th and 9th October 2016 at the University House in Canberra, Australia. She will be addressing the theme of Diversity, Difference and Dialogue. Conference participants will discuss the challenge of responding to difference: choosing whether to accept, reject, fight or engage with it to create something new. At the very heart of gestalt methodology is a key to engaging with difference: existential dialogue. Dialogical process supports change, potentially moving from conflict and aggression to a mutual acknowledgement of differing needs to create a new configuration. More information on
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb will be co-facilitating a two-day workshop on “Aesthetic Relational Knowledge in Diagnosis and Psychopathology” in Melbourne, Australia, on 4th and 5th October 2016. The seminar will focus on the issue of dealing with diagnosis and treatment from a gestalt (phenomenological) point of view.
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb will be presenting at a workshop on “A Relational Approach To Working With Personality Disorders” in Sydney, Australia, on 30th September 2016. The workshop will contextualise the increase of personality disorders in clinical practice with social changes and developments. It will provide relational tools to diagnose and work with these forms of suffering. The Gestalt therapy perspective of personality disorders will be presented, based on phenomenological and aesthetic epistemologies. Borderline and narcissistic personality organisation will be described, with specific consideration to the client’s intentionality for contact in the moment-to-moment flow of the therapeutic session. Relational tools to diagnose the suffering of these clients, and support the “beauty” concealed in their suffering will be provided. Concepts of field, contact boundary, aesthetic relational knowledge and physiological support will be covered. The workshop will be hosted by Gestalt Therapy Sydney (