Gestalt Approaches with Organisations – Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Franz Meulmeester (Eds.)

Gestalt approaches with organisations - Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Frans Meulmeester

Gestalt Approaches with Organisations

Edited by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and Frans Meulmeester

Preface by Raymond Saner
Afterword by Sabrina Deutsch Salamon

ISBN: 978-88-989-1228-5

Citation: Spagnuolo Lobb M., Meulmeester F., Eds. (2019). Gestalt Approaches with Organisations. Siracusa (taly): Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy Publ. Co.

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Organisations are the operative arm of any State and also the place where individuals realize their uniqueness and commitment to the world. They are essentially the contact boundary between individuals and society.
This book is a collection of practical experiences and theoretical reflections of some skilled trainers, coaches and consultants, who for many years have been using the Gestalt approach in their work with organisations. Each chapter is followed by a comment of an expert of the organisational and/or Gestalt field. This structure provides both a dialectical frame of reference for Gestalt therapy work in organisations and practical tools for working in various situations. Gestalt concepts will powerfully contribute to the maintenance and care of the organisational work.
The book is addressed to all organisational practitioners, coaches, consultants, counsellors and psychotherapists, who want to improve their skills to help people live better and five their best to the organisation they are part of.
The aim is to support every one’s sense of active commitment to society and enable a creative contribution to it.

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Preface, by Raymond Saner
Introduction, by the Editors
Part I – Fundaments of Gestalt Approaches to  Organisations
1. Basic Principles of Gestalt Approach in
Organisations. A Psychotherapy Applied to the Working World or an Autonomous Profession?
by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and Frans Meulmeester    
2. Gestalt Approach to Working with Organisations,
by Joseph Melnick    
3. Gestalt Anthropology for Businesses:
How to Face Globalization, Solitude and Production,
by Pietro Andrea Cavaleri    
4. “What Is Valued”?
Reflections on Organisational Consulting, Gestalt Style,
by Malcolm Parlett
5. Individual and Organisational Well-being.
A Matter of Field,
by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb    
Part II – Organisational Development and Coaching
6. Phenomenological Research in Organisations,
by Daan van Baalen    
Comment, by Tore Gustavsen
7. Supporting Dialogic Leadership. The Role of the Consultant,
by Talia Bar-Yoseph Levine    
Comment, by Naoum Liotas
8. Achieving Team Presence: A Gestalt Approach to
Coaching Multi-Disciplinary Teams,
by Marie-Anne Chidiac and Nicky Burton    
Comment,by Rick Maurer    
9. The Well-being of a Company Workgroup. Emotions and Relationships as the Compass. An Experience with Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb’s Gestalt Consulting Model,
by Angela Pegna    
Comment, by Gabriele Venusino    
10. Parallel Processes in Coaching and Organisational
by Frans Meulmeester    
Comment, by Frank Jansdam    
Part III – How To Work with
Critical Issues in Organisations
11. Flying Blind: Encountering Trauma in Organisations,
by Sally Denham-Vaughan and Kate Glenholmes   
Comment,by Bridget Jolliffe and Maggie Marriott   
12. Dealing with Conflicts Within Organisations,
by Elisa Mordocco and Carlo Cova Buonvino    
Comment, by Mara Gorli 
Part IV – Gender and Cultural Issues
13. Men and Women Working Together: The Dynamic
Field In-Depth,
by Sue Congram    
Comment, by Jude Elliman
14. Workplace Culture Change in the Context of History,
Diversity and Transformation in the South African Public Service,
by Chantelle Wyley
Comment, by Shanil Haricharan
Afterword, by Sabrina Deutsch Salamon
Biographical Notes
Appendix: Other Books on Gestalt Approaches with Organisations   

The Editors

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb (Italy)

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, psychologist psychotherapist, director of the Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy (Siracusa, Palermo, Milan), International post-graduate School accredited by the Italian Minister for the Universities; of the International Training Programs in Gestalt Psychopathology and Supervision. Full Member of: NYIGT, AAGT, EAGT, SPR, GTA, EAP, IARPP. Past-President of: the Italian Federation of Gestalt Psychotherapy Schools (FISIG), the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT), the Italian Federation of Psychotherapy Methods (FIAP). Founder and Honorary President of the Italian Association for Gestalt Psychotherapy (SIPG). She has authored many publications, her book The Now-for-Next in Psychotherapy. Gestalt Therapy Recounted in Post-Modern Society is available in 8 languages. Editor of the Italian Journal Quaderni di Gestalt, and Director of the International Gestalt Therapy Book Series, she has organized main international Gestalt therapy conferences. She also works currently for the local public health service in the department of employees’ well-being. She lives in Siracuse (Italy). More about her work and writings in this page

Frans Meulmeester Gestalt Approaches with Organisations

Frans Meulmeester, Social Pedagogue/Andragogue Msc.
Frans is working as a Gestalt trainer, therapist, coach, supervisor and consultant for more than 35 years. He is a staff member in several Gestalt institutes like the former MultidiMens Institute in Belgium, the Bulgarian Gestalt Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria, the Caucasian Institute for Gestalt therapy and Family therapy in Tbilisi, Georgia, the Gestalt Institute Nepal in Kathmandu, Nepal and the Relational Change Institute in the United Kingdom. Next to that he is a guest trainer for both Gestalt therapy and Gestalt in Organisations work in many other Gestalt institutes in Europe. He is a registered member of the EAGT as therapist, GPO and supervisor and as an European Certified Psychotherapist of the EAP. He published several articles and books on the application of the Gestalt approach in organisations and contributed to several Gestalt books.

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How to quote this book

M. Spagnuolo Lobb, F. Meulmeester (Eds.) (2019). Gestalt Approaches with Organisations. Siracusa (Italy): Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy Publ. Co. (
ISBN: 978-88-989-1228-5