The main panel about Gestalt therapy researches was titled Research challenges in the existential-experiential approach of Gestalt therapy.
It wascoordinated by Jan Roubal, with interventions of Madeleine Fogarty (The Gestalt Therapy Fidelity Scale), Pablo Herrera Salinas (Single Case Time Series, a methodology for exploring efficacy and change process in practice-based settings) and Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb (A tool to observe the phenomenology and aesthetics of primary relationships: the dance steps between caregivers and child). They have all presented different research applications of Gestalt therapy epistemology, which were then discussed by Tomas Rihacek, from the University of Brno.
Silvia Alaimo has presented a Structured Discussion on Dream-working: images, embodied aesthetics and neuroscience
Roberta La Rosa and Silvia Tosi have presented a brief paper An outcome’s research in Gestalt therapyconducted with CORE-OM, Jelena Zeleskov Doric and Michele Cannavò have also presented a brief paper Gestalt psychotherapy with offenders: quantitative and qualitative exploration.
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb has coordinated a structured discussion on her study The ‘ dance steps ‘ between psychotherapist and client: an aesthetic, phenomenological and field oriented observational tool for psychotherapists,discussants were Jan Roubal, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic; Wolfgang Tschacher, University of Bern, Switzerland; Silvia Tosi, Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy. Many participants, especially Pablo, Madeleine, Peter Schulthess, Tine van Wijk and others have also participated in the discussion, giving precious suggestions to continue the research.

In general, an exciting presence of Gestalt therapists has been found at the 2018 SPR conference in Amsterdam. About 20 colleagues from all over the world (including Lituania, Georgia and Poland) have presented their researches or have just participated.