Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb at the Minsk Gestalt Institute
Santiago IV° International Conference on Research in Gestalt Psychoterapy – August Newsletter
Early Bird registration deadline has been extended
Considering the number of request we have received from our colleagues around the world, we decided to extend the deadline of our early registration fees, which offers a much lower rate for those who want to join us in our Conference. We invite you to register from August with this special cost. We remind you that the early bird prices are: Participants CLP $185.000/USD $ 300 y Undergraduate Students CLP $185.000/USD $300, early bird registration fee will end onSeptember 28, 2018.
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb receives the Lifelong Achievement Award from the AAGT
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb, Director of the Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy (Milan, Siracusa, Palermo), is the first woman and the first European to receive the Lifelong Achievement Award from the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy, and International Community (AAGT). It has been a tradition at AAGT conferences to single out one person to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award for his or her contributions over many years to the Gestalt therapy community. Ed Nevis, Ansel Woldt, Erving Polster and Bud Feder have been previous recipient of this prestigious award.
Have a safe trip back, dear Colleagues, participants in the 2018 Summer Programme for Gestalt Psychotherapists!
IV International Conference On Research Of Psychotherapy Gestalt
The conference will be held in Santiago de Chile, from May 29 to June 1, 2019 and the venue will be at the ICON Hotel and Convention Center. This IV International Conference is designed to present and promote Gestalt Psychotherapy Research throughout the world. Will be a beautiful meeting place with outstanding Gestalt Therapists who will visit us from different countries of the world. This IV Conference is in line with the three previous ones held in Cape Cod (USA) and Paris (2013, 2015 and 2017) sponsored by AAGT, GISC. And it is a continuation of the Rome seminar (2014) organized by EAGT.
Gestalt therapy research has be en present in Amsterdam , at the Annual International Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR)!
The main panel about Gestalt therapy researches was titled Research challenges in the existential-experiential approach of Gestalt therapy.
Gestalt Supervisors in Siracuse!
The first seminar of the second edition of the Gestalt Supervisors Program took place in Siracuse, in a beautiful environment, full of ancient historical sites and clean waters where to swim!
An interesting conference on Embodiment and Psychopathology is going to take place in Siracuse (Italy) on June 8 and 9, 2018.
International seminar with
JUNE 8-9, 2018Archeological Museum – Conference HallSiracuse – Italy
Teaching in Amsterdam
On April 13 th to 15 th, 2018 Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb met the founder of the Gestalt Institute of Amsterdam, Dick Lompa, as well as Eva Fisher, a significant representative of the Dutch Gestalt therapy community, who has always fought for human rights and social justice.