Women in Gestalt Therapy
Autobiographical Reflections and Future Prospects in Contemporary Interviews
Edited by
Adriena Feckova and Beatrix Wimmer
In cooperation with Jay Levin
ISBN: 978-88-989-1204-9
Citation: Feckova, A. & Wimmer, B. (Eds.) (2016). Women in Gestalt Therapy. Autobiographical Reflections and Future Prospects in Contemporary Interviews. Siracusa (Italy): Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy Publ. Co.
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“Women in Gestalt Therapy” gives a voice to female Gestalt therapists from Europe, USA and Israel who have contributed substantially to the development of Gestalt therapy in theory, practice and political involvement. In contemporary interviews tribute is paid to a significant number of women in Gestalt therapy in their effort to prepare the ground for many others who are now increasingly entering centre stage. The reader is provided with an “oral history” of decades of fertile cooperation between women and men at the centre of growth of Gestalt therapy and allows a personal insight into the lives of these fascinating women.
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Preface, by Beatrix Wimmer and Adriena Feckova
Nancy Amendt-Lyon
Joppie Bakker
Talia Bar-Yoseph Levine
Judith Brown
Liv Estrup
Isabel Fredericson
Elinor Greenberg
Lotte Hartmann-Kottek
Hanne Hostrup
Gaie Houston
Lynne Jacobs
Wiltrud Krauss-Kogan
Nurith Levi
Sonia March Nevis
Violet Oaklander
Rita Resnick
Stella Resnick
Sylvie Schoch de Neuforn
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Carmen Vázquez Bandín
Cordula Zimmermann
Conclusions, by Iris Fodor
The Editors

Adriena Feckova was a leading physician at a paediatric clinic. Later, benefiting from her multilingual family background and entrepreneurial spirit, she switched to international business. During this period she started her Gestalt training, falling back on her education, helping attitude and her broad spectrum of experiences. Since 2002 Adriena has been working as a therapist in private practice and co-founded Slovak Association for Gestalt Therapy. In 2012 she started the project “Catch the Message”, the first edition of the book at hand with the aim to save, in personal interviews, the experience and the wisdom of women who contributed significantly to Gestalt therapy.

Beatrix Wimmer is a Psychologist and Gestalt therapist in Vienna, Austria. She works in private practice as a therapist and supervisor with individuals as well as couples. Her specific focus is on gender related issues, trauma and substance misuse. She is an external trainer for Gestalt Studia in CZ. She holds the position of Vice-President of the Austrian Association for Gestalt Therapy (OEVG) and is the President Elect of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT). She has authored a number of articles and book contributions and has been invited to co-edit the new edition of this book.
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How to quote this book
A. Feckova, B. Wimmer (Eds.) (2016).Women in Gestalt Therapy, Autobiographical Reflections and Future Prospects in Contemporary Interviews. Siracusa (Italy): Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy Publ. Co. (www.gestaltitaly.com)
ISBN: 978-88-989-1204-9